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Culture is derived from the Latin word 'Colere' which means to create, develop, and cultivate the world. The society we live in today, is the product of culture from our ancestors. Auguste Comte (1798-1857), A French philosopher who was regarded as the founder and father of sociology and the doctrine of 'Positivism' believes that changes are roots to the evolution/revolution of a society. He stated that 'Change' could be divided into two which is 'Static Change', and 'Dynamic Change'. Both changes plays a crucial role in shaping the Society we live in today.

These Changes evolves through space and time. A 'Static Change' is the permanent or biological factor, for example, if the parents of a child is divorced, and the child continues to live with his mother and the new father, this does not make his new step father his biological father, which this biological factor is called 'Static Change'. In a worse case scenario, his mother may be divorced by his new father, and she marries another guy, this makes the changing of the child's father a 'Dynamic Change' process. It looks simple when we see it on a micro perspective view, but if we observe other issues related to Societies 'Static' and 'Dynamic' changes, we could see how this changes impact the culture we live in today.

Among the factors that cultivate the changes on a Society, one of the strongest impact today is technology. We are living in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4iR), the world that we live in yesterday, today, and tomorrow has revolutionized on the front step of our door, neglecting our consent. Before the 4iR, we have witnessed how an iPad could access the internet of libraries from the whole globe, you can even grant access and save the book on iBook's, in just one click. As hard as it gets to swallow this truth, Artificial Intelligence (Ai) has made a major leap in creating humanoid version of intelligence such as automated cars and drones. It is not hard to even imagine that from the first Industrial Revolution in 18th century, an agricultural system of man power are develop into an industrialized system of machines making mass productions that transcend the quantity power compared to traditional relying man made production.

The imaginations beyond physical reality which mankind for thousand of years has seek to conquer, how Picasso has dedicated his whole life in presenting the process of 4th Dimension reality in his Artworks, where everything moves on a deep transparent dimension, which we now call it as the 'Cloud' from the internet, where everyone can access everything from any dimension virtually in a split of a second. Not to mention, Virtual Reality (VR) has made this possible, even you can get to meet your version of Picasso in VR. It seems that when the 4iR emerges, nothing seems so limited, everything is beyond boundaries. To agree that one day technologies of Ai would replace our 'White Collar' jobs has never been the question, this type of change is coined by Auguste Comte as 'Dynamic Change' of the environment based on todays evolution of technologies.

This blast of 4iR has modernized the society we live in with blessings of facilities and adding on the basic products we need to fit in the system we live today. But does it evolves the creative capacity of mankind while at the same time increase emotional intelligence of values on humanity? has it been too dynamic for humanity to cope up.

Thank you



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