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LIAC 2014: Re-infusing Societal-Cultural Values on Local Communities


LIAC was the given acronym representing 'Lendu International Art Camp' in 2014. This creative effort was initiated by the School of Art & Design, UiTM Melaka with the collaboration of government and non-government (NGO) organisations.

LIAC 2014 liberated the perception of local host communities regarding the Academic Art World, which was foreseen as exclusively academic, and selectively in an academic setting rather than open public spaces. Re-infusing the strong spirit of 'Gotong Royong' (togetherness), and Re-initiating the golden Malay proverb "Berat Sama Dipikul, Ringan Sama Dijinjing (A Trouble Shared is a Trouble Halved)", as the essence of instilling positive Societal-Cultural Values in the production of communal Public Art.

The unsettled Question that lays outside the Academic Art World is 'How does Art contributes towards societal civic conduct?

The Answer to this Question lays upon the epistemological notions of Art, resting between two paradoxical opinion towards Art as 'Art for Art Sake', and 'Art for Society'. The first group opinion views art as objects of form with exclusive attributes to the Artist/Artwork/Audience, whereas the second group opinion views art as a product of society/culture (Visual Culture) which the Acknowledgement Credit of the Artist/Artwork/Audience are shared inclusively (Collectively) together upon prides of Societal-Cultural Values, that has withstand remarkable environmental challenges/changes through space and time.  

In approaching Art as the cornerstone of society/cultural Identity values, breaks the notion of Art just for Art sake which are exclusively embedded in the shrines of Galleries and Private organisation Academies. Re-infusing societal-cultural values through Public Art is a count of blessing towards the Local Host Community especially in the fabrication of Lendu's suburban position as one of the 3 main districts in states of Melaka itself. 

Melaka is well known for some of its World Heritage Sites (WHS) inscribed by UNESCO, positioning previous colonial sites and settlements. I believe that the previous ideas of putting hallmark attention on colonial sites should be Re-Framed into promoting more oriental/genuine oriented elements in promoting the state through Re-Infusing Societal-Cultural Values on strategic Public Art Scenes and Sites together.

LIAC 2014 continues to Re-Direct the perspective of Art in creating values towards sustainable and life long learning engagement on Local Communities which is relevant until today (2020), especially in Lendu, Alor Gajah, Melaka. Which I see, as a success on the different sharing/practicing sessions taken part between the Academic Art World and Local Host Community, exemplifying the pattern of a whole creative community through the course of Public Art.

Thank You

Department  of Liberal Studies
UiTM Alor Gajah


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