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G.A.S : ISOLATION MIND (Exhibition)

20th April 2021, marks the date for the second exhibition taking place at G.A.S (Gallery. Art. Shop), by the department of Fine Arts, School of Art and Design, UiTM Melaka.

Inaugurated by PACAQ (Public Art Creative Aesthetic Quality) Research Initiative Group leader, Associate Professor Dr Azahar Harun, the current exhibition was devoted to young talented UiTM artist-to-be, from the program of Fine Arts, School of Art and Design, such as Hanif, Fariz, Nabila, Fatin, and Liyana.

The five talented young artist, were practical students, undergoing their apprenticeship upon three professional Malaysian Sculpture Artist, such as Dr Rosli Zakaria, Dr Sharmiza Abu Hassan, and Mohd. Saharuddin Supar, who happened to be art educators as well as active PACAQ members from UiTM Melaka.

The given theme 'Isolation Mind', celebrated a new experiences for these young artist-to-be, after encountering such challenging practical training experience, during the current global pandemic (Covid-19) situation where they find themselves, confronting the hardship in trials and tribulation, physically as well as mentally.

However, great ideas are garnished through the confrontation of such inconsistent, uncertain, and unknown situation where such art makers confront themselves. It is upon this clarity of reason, why Ideas and Art, deserves a particular place in the achievements and developments of such society we find ourselves today. 

In the social history of art, German art historian Arnold Hauser in his writings The Philosophy of Art History, remarks his leading principle which the behavior of individuals is the product both of their inborn capacities and of the situation in which they find themselves. 

G.W.F Hegel in his writings on Phenomenology of Spirits, remarks 'beauty' as an expression of the human desire for freedom, which sets standards for what is beautiful, upon celebrating freedom in art, as its own spirit in time.

The foundational ideas, were developed by the young apprentices, during their practical training, in the studio or workshop, of the given professional artists, respectively. The manifestation process in engaging the compound of ideas within subject, content, and form, can be viewed in figure 1, figure 2, and figure 3. 

These process does not acts as formal recipes, but more towards a principle guideline, where every idea, subject, content, and form has its own dignity and place in the work of an artist. 

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

In accordance to the four (4) stage model of creativity process by Graham Wallas, the process of idea development, from preparation, incubation, illumination, has finally came into its final stage of verification, or reasonably understood as the final manifestation of an artwork.

The professional art mentor or trainer, would enhance these passionate young artist-to-be, to experiment and experience with the three (3) factors such as material, techniques, and function, in not only engaging towards a final form, but emphasizing the connection and propagation of the ‘Soul’, which continuously connects the art-maker and art-viewer. 

Art is a human process, in producing and consuming ideas, feelings, and emotions, which connects human souls towards a more transcendental cause, not only physiologically, however as well as, mentally or psychologically. 

Such given ideas on art, as not only instrumental in value, but also extra-utile, can be found in the writings of our late national laureate, Datuk Syed Ahmad Jamal's manifestation, emphasizing the concept of  'Form and Soul'.

Reasonably, such process is connected towards what the German philosopher Emmanuel Kant, remarked as 'purposive without purpose', as one of the criteria’s in art criticism, found within his significant writings Critique of Judgment, whereby fairly understood as 'Final with no End'. 

A finalized masterpieces, manifested and materialized, which transmit ideas, feelings, and emotions between the art-maker and art-viewer. 

Thus, art is a Hylomorphic compound consisting of, the finite physical form of an artwork which is limited to our sense, and the part of an artwork which is beyond the limitation of the senses, connecting infinitely to our soul, engaging and propagating unconditionally or unconfined by factors such as time, space, and cause. 

This idea would be best described as the 'essence and presence' of art itself.

Fortunately, these young talented artist-to-be, had an experience of a lifetime in comprehending and apprehending such valuable knowledge from experienced and established, professional artist, as their mentor throughout the whole practical training process. 

The challenging pandemic situation remade and remark these young trainees into becoming more independent, whereby in individualizing their journey as young artist-to-be in such challenging art landscape, especially in the Malaysian art scene. 

Nevertheless, these young talented artist-to-be did well, in executing such interesting artworks, to be developed upon their personalized journey towards the art industry. The artworks can be viewed in Figure 4, Figure 5, Figure 6, Figure 7, Figure 8, indicating the names of their respective makers.  

Figure 4
Title: Kaki Botol (2021)
Artist: Muhammad Faris
Medium: Mix Media

 Figure 5
Title: Human Component (2021)
Artist: Hanif Shah
Medium: Mix Media

 Figure 6
Title: Layar (2021)
Artist: Nabilah Shafiqah
Medium: Linocut

Figure 7
Title: Kenangan (2021)
Artist: Nur Idarliyana
Medium: Mix Media

Figure 8
Title: Culture (2021)
Artist: Nur Fatin Syafiqah
Medium: Mix Media

In a nutshell, it is reasonable to say, that it is certain that within great moments of uncertain devastation lays the unfolding freedom of truth celebrated in the ability of humankind to produce art and consume beauty which resolves as the 'Zeitgeist', or the spirit of Humanism respectively in its own time

The 'Isolation Mind' exhibition is significant towards the achievement and development of young artist-to-be, especially practical training students in engaging towards direct exposure and experience. 

Such experience in exhibiting artworks, with other members of the art world, perhaps would definitely create self-development, self-exposure, and self-identity of a given young talented artist-to-be.

The contributions of several PACAQ (Public Art Creative Aesthetic Quality) members as trainers in this premiere 'Isolation Mind'  Exhibition, particularly the contributing artists such as Dr Rosli Zakaria, Dr Sharmiza Abu Hassan, and Mohd. Saharuddin Supar, is being seen as bringing pride and honor towards the sustenance of Malaysian art scene, especially during this global pandemic situation.

'Keep on Charging!'

Department  of Liberal Studies
UiTM Alor Gajah


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