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Artwork: Perjalanan (2019)
Artist: Shaharin Sulaiman

Perjalanan is the retrospective story of Shaharin Sulaiman’s life journey of being and becoming.

Perjalanan translates as a journey, between man and his creator. The hylomorphic identical relationship between man and the universe, addressed by the benevolence as well as blessings of our creator. Everyday we wake up as if our actions were predetermined by our own free will, however such moral obligation upon doing justice towards one’s free-spirited soul, eventually resolves as a confrontation between the predestined and destined fate in life bestowed by the creator. Hence, the exploration of such conflict lays as the fundamental element within the manifested artworks of Perjalanan. It celebrates the reciprocal connection between man and his creator, encapsulated within the harmonious cosmos of our universe .

The impact of nature towards the artist’s artworks has been essentially phenomenal, which is seen as one of a count of blessings from the creator (Allah). Shaharin Sulaiman, is committed within producing 2-Dimensional as well as 3-Dimensional artworks, metamorphosed by his living principle of ‘Be Grateful’. The artist’s collection of ‘Be Grateful’ is now reserved as apart of UiTM Melaka’s permanent art collection.

Shaharin Sulaiman beliefs in by giving value to others, the world would definitely become, one better than before. The artist utilizes his direction as an art educator, upon propagating fundamental art knowledge to be shared, mostly by academic communities, as well as dealers and collectors beyond academic. Devoting his master expertise in woodworking towards the development of creative art communities, especially among developing artist and entrepreneurs.

Perjalanan 2019 is a whole story about Shaharin Sulaiman’s devotion, direction, and decision, revolving around his 20 years experience in the art and education industry

visit Semangatbudi Art House:


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