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Artis Gomen (AG): ‘My Idea’ Art Exhibition


'My Idea' Art Exhibition by Art Group: Artis Gomen (AG)

13 February 2023, marks the preview date of the art exhibition 'My Idea' by 'Artis Gomen (AG)' Art Group. hosted at Angkatan Peluki SeMalaysia (APS) Gallery, Floor 1 GMBB Mall, Kuala Lumpur.

‘My Idea’ is a concept, and like any other concept, it belongs to the framework of ideas. Ideas, and series-of-ideas which endeavors originality, identity, as well as novelty.

The awaited exhibition will be open for public viewing starting from 13th-28th February 2023, with an official opening session scheduled at 3:00PM, 19th February 2023 (Sunday), by Ir. Hj. Syarul Izam Sarifudin, Vice CEO Forest City, who is a fond Art Collector in the Malaysian Art Scene.

‘A thought or suggestion as to possible course of action’, describes ‘Idea’ as a noun, according to the Oxford Dictionary. Etymologically, the word ‘Idea’ is derived from the Greek ‘Idein’ (to see), and Idea (form), via Latin c. 1500AD of the late Middle English. 

In Art, ‘Idea or Ideas’ is a creative and cumulative process, between confrontation of one’s imagination (Metaphysical) and reality (physical). Such process transcends works of art from its explicit surface as mere objects towards manifestations of implicit value, one which fulfills beyond physical as well as practical needs. Alan Fletcher in The Art of Looking Sideways remarks;

“Man invented things by imposing a shape on nature”

“Man discovered things by revealing the pattern of nature”

1,500,000 million years ago, before the Aurignacian period, when humankind appropriated anthropomorphic sculpture of ‘Lion Man of Hohlenstein-Stadel (c.28,000BC)’, Bas-relief wall sculpture of ‘Venus de Laussel (c.25,000BC)’, cave drawings and paintings of ‘Hall of Bulls (c.17,000BC)’as well as ‘Altamira Bison (c.15,000BC)’respectively,  evidence were shown on the first human-made material culture tool, which was known as the ‘Acheulian hand Axe’ (c.1,500,000BC)’. 

The idea to create such symmetrically aesthetic tool, addressed a state of artistic personality and preference of its creator, in an egalitarian community, one which values collectivism over individualism. 

Art itself is an Idea of freedom to be aware and awake. This state of consciousness takes works of art as celebrate manifestation of form, content, and context, of the spirit of its time (Zeitgeist). G.W.F Hegel in his writings on Phenomenology of Spirits, remarks 'beauty' as an expression of the human desire for freedom, which sets standards for what is beautiful. In addressing aesthetics as a philosopher, Hegel viewed the freedom of spirit in the history of humankind, as an unfold series of dialectical opposition which resolves as the 'Zeitgeist', or the spirit of its time. 

In the social history of art, German art historian Arnold Hauser in his writings The Philosophy of Art History, remarks his leading principle which the behavior of individuals is the product both of their inborn capacities and of the situation in which they find themselves.

The Austrian Art historian, Alois Riegl, in his writings 'Late Roman Art Industry', established the concept of 'Kunstwollen', as an inner determination, an artistic or aesthetic urge. Such determination dictates the artist, towards not only epitomizing the spirit of one's time, however consequently progressing towards creativity, resistance, as well as liberation of one's will in producing artworks. Such Will-to-Form through visual culture and works of art, has brought humankind to create, develop, cultivate civilizations to stay conscious, aware, as well as awake through our presence in the world we find ourselves through time. 

Through works of art, ideas are imposed and revealed on shapes and patterns of nature. Through formal elements and principles of art and design, Art portrays individuality in regards to personality of its maker, as well as conveys collective preferences, on identity and culture, from where the maker finds him/herself. 

There are five more (5) ideas to contemplate about Art, albeit 'Art for Art Sake', nor 'Art for Society';

 (1) Art transcends beyond practicality needs, beyond the physiological needs/wants, towards psychological satisfaction, in regards to self-actualization, art itself is a paradigm of ideas. 

 (2) Art is the window towards reality; it reflects its society in time and space, through different styles and progresses, in regards to self-identity and belonging.
 (3) Art elevates our preferences and taste, beyond realms of explicit beauty, towards the implicit and intimate pleasure of one’s contemplation through Art. 

 (4) Art ignites novelty in creation; such creative process synthesizes the unique ability of art to unify form and meaning, between the artist, as well as audience. 

 (5) Art garnishes itself as a prestigious possession, even though addressed as an inclusive nor exclusive collection, it does not jeopardize its value, towards the-eyes of its creator and collector.

In a nutshell, through the contemplation of idea, and Ideas of ‘ART’ itself, has brought to light, this Art-Ideas exhibition entitled ‘My Idea’. 

'Keep on Charging'

Department of Liberal Studies
UiTM Alor Gajah


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