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HIS NOTES (2023): A Paradigm of Dato' Mohamed Sharif Mustapha by Fadly Mohamed Sharif


Courtesy of Fadly Mohamed Sharif @ Studio Hikayat; Front and Back Cover

The book 'His Notes (2023)', encapsulated a paradigm of the late Dato' Mohamed Sharif Mustapha ideas, thoughts, and experience, through personal visual documentations featuring his vivid handwritings as well as visual recordings. A remarkable compilation in body of knowledge (BOK) visually by Fadly Mohamed Sharif.

'His Notes (2023)' is compressed with condensed information on the late Professor Dato' Mohamed Sharif Mustapha's; Background, Education & Training, Career Development & Achievements, Managements on the School of Art & Design, Portfolios, Creative Process, as well as his journey on establishing the School of Art & Design, UiTM Melaka, sinced 28 years ago (1995). Altogether in a handy size B5 and 50 pages of informational data, of him professionally as an individual, father, educator, leader, as well as practitioner. 

BOLD, BRIGHT, & BALANCE design and layouts were executed by Malaysian celebrated graphic designer Fadly Mohamed Sharif, as well as edited by celebrated visual designer-artist Walid Muhammad Syafrein Effendy. Published in Melaka, by Studio Hikayat. 

Art Direction, on the layout designs in 'His Notes (2023)', is metamorphosed through concept designs, articulated from the idea of  the late Dato' Mohamed Sharif Mustapha's 'Work Station Desk'. A personal yet professional space, which translates a man's pride as an individual, and dignity collectively as a father, leader, educator, and practitioner. 

As the School of Art & Design’s former Dean, the late Dato' Mohamed Sharif Mustapha had the conviction to merge professional practice and industrial experience in a creative academic setting, as exemplified through some of his inspired excerpts;

"While an Art Department is anything but an assembly line, it is concerned with manufacturing a product"
-Lawarence K. Withers

"This is the factory that makes the agency 'product' ideas that it sells to client"
-Lwin & Aitchison

BOLD formalistic design characters from the work 'His Notes (2023)', guides the reader as an audience through vivid handwritings of the late Dato' Mohamed Sharif Mustapha's creative journey, addressing personality as well as character. The designer brings the audience a level closer, in regards to his fathers personal and professional spotlight. A spot which requires space, in composing visual and textual proportions related to the designer's subject. The personality of  'His Notes (2023)', is experienced through portraits of its subject, in full as well as half page designated space-areas, vibrantly bringing a 'Bold' sense in terms of a personal and professional level. This speaks the apperception side of its subject, where professionalism is always valued over personal decisions, exemplified during the subject's leadership as an Art Director, as well as the Dean at the School of Art & Design. 

BRIGHT formalistic design elements from the work  'His Notes (2023)', takes the audience through the bright smiles on personal portraits collections of the late Dato' Mohamed Sharif Mustapha. The designer invites the audience through colored narratives, in regards to his fathers personal and professional spotlight. The color 'Red' utilized in the art directions of  'His Notes (2023)', draws a focus attention on highlights which speaks the core-corners of its subject, as evident Bright-Red 'LAMY Fountain Pen' found inside and at the back cover, juxtaposed at the a 'rule of thirds' focus intersection. At heart, the subject endeavors great taste on creations of novelty, especially for bright 'Red' branding identities. He was remarked as the Malaysian 'Coca-Cola Man' collector, for his countless Coca-Cola collections by Malaysian local prints, such as The Sun, The New Straits Times, Impian and Jelita respectively. He was listed in Malaysian Book of Records as having the largest collection of Coke Memorabilia in the country. Nevertheless, at the heart (Centre) of  this book , the reader can discover the 'Red' full-page background, commemorating frameworks of his fathers notes on Design Management.

BALANCE formalistic design elements from the work  'His Notes (2023)', brings the audience towards a collective experience through the harmony and order, positioning and orientation of visual recordings recalled from the late Dato' Mohamed Sharif Mustapha's private collection. The designer invokes these elements of balance through visual and textual selections, in harmony with the fabrication context material of his fathers personal and professional collections. The visuals are aligned with textual information, and handwritings, complementing the balance of between past and present, altogether applied in a contemporary design look and feel. Such 'Voice' and 'Tone', addresses the 'Grand Idea' by the designer, as to be discovered by its audience, through the symmetrical as well as asymmetrical wireframes employed throughout the book's design layout. Uncovering selective facets on the journey throughout the subject's life, balance in between reflections of reasonability and responsibility, towards himself as an individual, and collectively as a father, leader, educator, and practitioner

Courtesy of Fadly Mohamed Sharif @ Studio Hikayat: Conceptual Framework

Furthermore, as remarked by 'His Notes (2023)' Professor Dato' Mohamed Sharif Mustapha had a diverse career as a graphic designer and art director, starting in the 1970s. He began his jorney as a finishing artist at 'Ogilvy & Mather Advertising' where he sharpened his skills in completing artwork for his skills in completing artworks for advertising campaigns and mastering technique for paste-up and artwork management. From there, he moved on to the role of Finishing Artist/Visualizer at 'McCann Erickson Advertising' and further developed his skills in artwork preparation, honing his skills in art direction, design, photography and creative campaign development. (Taken from 'His Notes (2023)' @ Studio Hikayat)

In 1974, he advanced to become the Art Director at Johan Design Associates, where he led and oversaw the design and advertising department. He was responsible for initiating and executing all concepts, ideas and designs, providing art direction, managing creative resources, overseeing client presentations and supervising printing and photography. He served reputable clients such as Petronas, Bank Bumiputera, Wisma Putra, NST Publications and Tourism Development Corporation (TDC) during this time. (Taken from 'His Notes (2023)' @ Studio Hikayat)

Later on, he took on the position of Senior Art Director at PTM Communications where he managed a designated group of clients and was heavily involved in printed communications, such as advertising campaigns, identity design, and information design. Some of his notable clients were Malaysian Airline and TDC. He remained in this role until 1979. Throughout his career, he gained extensive experience in advertising and visual communications, working with major clients. He also developed a deep understanding of the design and production process, which served him well throught his career as an educator-practitioner. (Taken from 'His Notes (2023)' @ Studio Hikayat)

From the historical context, ITM/UiTM has been the manoeuvring vessel, responsible in producing the nation's pioneering celebrated art and design alumni's ever since 55 years of its establishment. In terms of art and design education, the Institut Teknologi MARA (ITM), now Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) was the first to offer modern art and design education, and the first to deal with the problem of the roots of indigenous art and traditional culture (Khalil Amran, 2016). 

The late Professor Dato' Mohamed Sharif Mustapha himself was an ITM alumni, UiTM management leader, as well as educator. In The Star Newspaper, August 1994, he remarked "I am grateful to ITM for sending me to New York to do post-graduate course in graphic design". He himself was a 'Pratt Institute' graduate and alumni, where in 1982 his typography instructor was Kevin Gatta , an experienced designer from the celebrated Herb Lubalin Associates. 

"When I asked Ahmad Zainuddin (Professor Emeritus Dato') why he and my father chose to leave the industry despite the pay cut to become lecturers at ITM, he explained that their goal was to contribute to the professional curriculum at ITM and assist Bumiputera students in becoming practicing professionals. Although Sharif had been offered a job by Lim Kok Wing, his true passion was to empower Bumiputera’ (Taken from 'His Notes (2023)' @ Studio Hikayat)

The journey between the late Professor Dato’ Mohamed Sharif Mustapha and ITM/UiTM, is well addressed as in the the popular Malay World proverb phrase:

'Benih yang baik kalau dicampak ke darat menjadi gunung, dan jika dicampak ke laut menjadi pulau'

Translated as, If you throw a piece of good seed on land it grows into a mountain, and if you throw it into the sea it becomes an island (Paradigm).

In a nutshell, the designer of 'His Notes (2023)', has achieved to metamorphose the 'Form and Soul' of the late Dato' Mohamed Sharif Mustapha, through its BOLD, BRIGHT, & BALANCE design layouts, altogether as a manifestation from the HEAD to HEART!

'Keep on Charging'


Department of Liberal Studies
UiTM Alor Gajah


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