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Palette Exhibition 2025 (Shades Connected) : An Expressive Photography Showcase

Figure: Palette Exhibition 2025 (Shades Connected) Poster

8 January 2025 - Marks the inaugural of the most awaited 'Palette Exhibition 2025: Shade Connected' expressive photography showcase. The ceremony was officiated by Dr Sharmiza Abu Hassan (Head Centre of Studies) College of Creative Arts (CCA), UiTM Melaka, witnessed by Shaharin Sulaiman (Panel Speaker), Aidah Alias (Project Leader), Dona Lowii Madon (Head Program CAAD117), lecturers, and students.   

This interesting exhibition taking place at 'Santai Point', Perpustakaan Tun Abdul Razak (PTAR), UiTM Melaka started with a significant art talk by Academic-Artist photograher; Mr Shaharin Sulaiman, with his talk on 'Colours in Expressive Art and Photography'. The topic chosen invites its audiences, upon Re-Imagining the role of Art and Life in lens of the photographer in the contemporary society we find ourselves today. Colours in a way is a source of light as remarked by Shaharin Sulaiman, it could come from the Noumena (Almighty Creator), and could exist in the Phenomena (Creations), where we experience these creations bestowed on the human eye, in particular through the photographers lens. It is within this understanding or worldview that palettes and shades of colours has became apart of the photographers apperceptions and photographic artistic journey. A Photographer expresses his expression through the windows of the camera, impressing his soul on the given camera role or canvas medium. This is where Aristotle on the theory of Hylomorphism remarks as the 'Wax and the Seal'.

Figure 2: Mr Shaharin Sulaiman giving his Art Talk on Expressive Art and Photography

One turning point, which moves the Academic-Artist Photographer, Shaharin Sulaiman, was his connection with the Colour Blue. On one of his presented artwork entitle 'Dimensi Biru (2018)' translated as 'Blue Dimension', the photographer expressed his intimacy, as well as connectivity with the shades of blue, where his photographs using a macro lens on a birds feather found in Melaka's State Zoo, during his visit. The cross-sectional view in an abstracted juxtaposed composition, elevates the beauty of different lines, values, and colour shades of blue. In a way, the picture encapsulates the connectivity between fundamental formal elements such as colours, where most of us take for granted, as a grateful starting point to express one's ideas, or concepts which reflects the depths, and shadows which shapes us as unique multicellular organism existing in the building block of humanity we find ourselves today. 

In contrast, evident at this expressive photography showcase, is the theme colour chosen itself, the 'Pink' oriented palette ignites an energetic, as well as electrifying vibes which connects the academic staffs and students, in another sense of photographic art exhibition. Dr Sharmiza Abu Hassan also, remarks that pink does not have to be a feminine or stereotype colour. Thus, it exist as a colour close to ourselves, if blue is the colour of the oceans and skies,  outside of us, then pink shades are the colour close to us, inside our bodies, and organs. In biology, it is in fact that, we look the same from the inside rather more from the outside. Our blood, muscles, and organ such as the heart, is more pink that red. In a perspective view, of the Critical Theory, colour itself such as blue, and pink are more universally shared, as one as good as the other, through individuals, genders, generations, as well as institutions. Expression is a vital state, in well-being, and an artistic state which elevates the photography artist, beyond the common status, of just a mere Photographer capturing mundane objects.    

Figure 3: The Students and Staffs with the electrifying Pinked Theme vibes

Interestingly, all the works exhibit in this exhibition are uniquely portrayed by the Semester 03 students from the Department of Photography and Imaging Creatives, College of Creative Arts (CCA), UiTM Melaka. This exhibition can be seen as the celebration of Praxis between the theories, and practical skills gained in UiTM Melaka Art School, during their almost 2 years journey in the photography discipline guided by respective lecturers and staffs.  The styles, subjects, and themes portrayed in their works explores the possibilities of colours, through selection of their shades and palettes in expression themselves, as well as their surroundings which they contemplate in. Through the works of photographs and artworks of colours, it is interesting to say that these undergraduates in certain levels has succeed to accomplish such expressive exhibitions, not only through the visual, and virtual spaces, however through the physical textures produced in the works of art portrayed. 

In a nutshell, this 'Palette Exhibition 2025: Shades Connected' is a testament to the commitments of the staffs and students from the Department of Photography and Imaging Creative, CCA UiTM Melaka. The whole idea, and concept encapsulated, captures a collective expression through palettes and shades of colours, re-imagined in a whole interactive expressive photography showcase. 

 'Keep on Charging!'

Department  of Liberal Studies
UiTM Alor Gajah
G.A.S UiTM Melaka 2024



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